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Linked Data Notifications

Linked Data Notifications (LDN) is a standard for publishing and subscribing to updates about changes in Linked Data resources on the web. Linked Data is a standard for representing and sharing structured, machine-readable data on the web, and LDN provides a way for users to be notified when these resources are updated or deleted.

LDN is based on the idea of using HTTP POST requests to publish notifications about changes in Linked Data resources, and using HTTP GET requests to subscribe to these notifications. It provides a set of APIs and protocols for publishing and subscribing to these notifications, and it is designed to enable users to create, share, and use Linked Data resources on the web in a consistent and interoperable way.

LDN is supported by a large and active community of developers and users, and it is considered a key technology for the development of the decentralized web (Web 3.0) and other emerging technologies. It is supported by a wide range of tools and software applications, including web browsers, semantic web platforms, and knowledge management systems.

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Last updated on 2/10/2023